Mark is still bitching that you need to lose the contacts before you come back.
Mark can go find a cow prod to pull the pole out of his ass. He's not the boss.
No, but he's been trying to tell the boss just how inappropriate and unprofessional it is.
I can't change anything for the next few days. He can deal. We all know I can't take off more time.
And he wants your position anyway.
If he keeps it up, he can have it.
You don't mean that.
I don't mean a lot of things.
Don't leave me here alone with him. I'll never live through it and I don't want him handling my body.
He isn't going to handle mine either.
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"People love talking, and I have never been a huge talker. I can carry on an inner monologue, but the words don't often reach my lips." Gillian Flynn

It's relateable and for these past few weeks, she needs something she can hold onto. To get her mind off of everything that is around her. Having to hear and see thoughts, perceptions and ideas that she never wanted to know. But she's getting better about keeping it all out of her head. To get lost in reading so that she doesn't have to think about everything else. To dilute the noise in her head with one of her own. Allowing that inner monologue to make its own way towards a peace she desperately needs now, more than ever.

Now isn't a time to think about turning back time and changing everything. In what she could have created for others if she wasn't here. These are the worries and thoughts that Raven's mind goes back to. In knowing just what Rachel was left to go through without the proper guidance. To what she could become if she went on the wrong path with all of this. Confusion on how she holds these abilities and why, the unexpected sets of memories and thoughts. The need to do more, to reach out, she wished she could actually hold a real conversation with her when she was gone. To say something she would remember. But now, her mind was quiet. Even the woman inside there receeded, not wanting to admit all that went on in her own mind. Nothing made sense, but she knew she needed to leave behind something more. Things that weren't just pieces of herself filtering into this body.