stand up, get your hands up, move
She knew it was coming, it was more than a feeling and she couldn't sleep. The knowledge of it, to worry about the unexpected, what was to come that she couldn't see. This was one of those few things that she couldn't see, and that wouldn't change. It was there and there was no way to tell. The who or what she would be. After what happened during the Fourth of July, there was that added worry. Not completely a fear, because she still believed that she could take care of herself. It didn't matter who was taking the reigns, nothing had happened to her that couldn't or wouldn't be taken care of. Her own abilities and the way that she was ever capable of handling them now. The memories, they helped, but there was something else there too. But here she was, still feeling like she was afraid of her own shadow. That same shadow she had the ability to pull from, to twist and toy with as she pleased.

Quiet as a mouse, she pulled away from the covers and the occupant there. There was that call to it, even as she looked back at him. No words, no thoughts to transmit. She just felt a little unsteady with what was going on in her head, and what would happen here soon. She wanted to know how this worked, what happened during these times that everything just went away. Small pieces and memories that held no answers didn't do anything for her. Here, she stood, walking out of the room, darkness following her. It came to her own call, a blanket of calm and hope for whatever she would be or become.

Her feet stopped touching the ground, moving up, just away from the floor beneath her. It was one of those common occurrences she allowed herself in hopes of trying to overcome everything. She needed to be able to use these abilities properly or there would be no end to them. Always at her, bothering her more than the constant ebb that was her empathic abilities. Time continued to tick, until she froze it. She needed that time to breathe, deep breaths as she continued to envelope herself in darkness. There in the living room, away from all eyes, as she stood there floating, eyes closed.

In. Out. In. Out. She released it all, let it all go, flowing around her as time moved again. There was nothing else to feel, except the cool air. It was there. She hadn't thought to change her clothes, to believe she wouldn't still be home. This took another turn, as she was still shrouded in darkness, just not in the same fashion. Above in the night sky, floating there, much like she was trying to catch her own stars. A dark tank top clinging to her body, along with the small purple shorts she had went to lie in bed with.

Dark hair whipped around her, loose and falling around her shoulders still. Eyes opened to give light to more of an unnatural color. Purple or indigo eyes to see the world with. At one with the night, as the world around her was more noticeably different. Rachel was no longer Rachel, but Raven and looking down, she could see home. Levitating high enough away that no one should see her. There was a faint smile that threatened to tug at her lips as her eyes stared at the building below. That wave of feeling, it wasn't just her own, but she could feel it everywhere. All of it hitting her like a wave. It was far from any kind of rush she would ever want, and it caused her to swallow. She had to breathe, she had to relax, she needed control.

Stop. You're not making this easier on either of us.

'Stop what? This is your home and this is my body. What am I supposed to do? Sit here all patient while we're hit by everyone else's feelings?'

It doesn't go away, but if there's no control there's consequences.

'You mean like how you played up a crowd and left me with the remains of the entire scene?'

Powers weren't right. I didn't know. How was I supposed to know?

'And how am I supposed to handle this?'

Sitting back and learning something, instead of arguing the subject because you have to feel something for once.

'It's not that.'

I know.

Taking the time, she stayed there quiet. There wasn't a thought or a question in her own mind. No more conversation with that extra person. Deep breaths, peace, control. She could handle this situation, there would be no doubts. Only questions on how this all would work or could work. Instead, there would be messages to the one person she could only guess was here too. If not, that would just lead this all down another path. But there he was, responding too.



Raven would accept this all just for now. It was as she said, this was her home. Not now, but it was. Full of people that even though she wasn't all together with, she did love somehow. She cared about them as a family. Even when she didn't show it, giving a cold shoulder or annoyance being all that was viewed in an interaction, it was there. That feeling, to care enough to be there, to want to back anyone up and help them where she could. But, she shouldn't be here. None of them should be. This wasn't there place, not in the way they were now.

He was right, she should come down, go inside. Her clothes alone, the way that the cooler air hit her. It wasn't so bad, it was summer weather, but it was still one of those things she shouldn't be doing out here. Her moment passed. It was time to do things that were necessary and expected. And maybe go on the added spree of finding clothes because she wasn't going to work with whatever was in that closet like this.