Raven also known as Rachel Roth, is a superhero with dark magic powers. Her strong personal motivations and desire to see good conflict with her heritage, as her father is a powerful demon named Trigon who wants to enslave the planet. Her mother is a human woman named Arella who was living in the mystical realm of Azarath. At all times, Raven must keep her emotions in check lest she risk unleashing the terrible might within. Despite this, she has still managed to find a second family in her friends who love and accept her regardless of her troubled past. She is a regular member of the Teen Titans, and has also been a member of the Sentinels of Magic.
physical traits
phobias and disorders
doing what is good without bias for or against order;
act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion;
represents true freedom from society’s restricitons and a do-gooders zeal;
represents methodical, intentional, and frequently sucessful evil;
represents pure evil without honor and without variation;
destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend.
"the crusader"
"the benefactor"
"the rebel"
"the judge"
"the undecided"
"the free spirit"
"the dominator"
"the malefactor
"the destroyer"